$1,630.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Three Month Mentorship

Secure a Brighter Future in Wedding Planning - Sign Up Now for my 3-Month Intensive Mentorship Program Now! 

What you'll get:

  • 3 months of one-on-one coaching following a structured curriculum with specific themes related to work-life balance, pricing,  business processes, client experience, and more. 
  • Plenty of hands-on feedback, insight, and strategy tailored specifically to you, your business. 
  • 6 x 90 minute private recorded coaching sessions for working on your specific business and lifestyle goals.
  • Homework assignments, templates & resources to help you implement what you’re learning and make progress faster.
  • 6 x 30-minute checkpoint calls to give you the clarity and confidence you need to troubleshoot challenges and implement new strategies.
  • Email support in between sessions to handle those holy-crap-balls moments where you’re doubting yourself hard.